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AvatarEvelyn Carnahan


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    I see better from a distance 🎯
    21 Dec. 1991
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    14/2/2020, 13:44
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  • Winged Keys rpg

    The night beckons while you dream
    A life never lives in peace
    As you stand upon the edge
    Woven by a single thread
    And fate may fall down upon you
    While the devil is knocking
    Right at your door

    It's gettin' harder to stay awake
    And my strength is fading fast
    You breathe into me at last

    I see the light shining through the rain
    A thousand colours in the brighter shade
    Needed to rise from the lowest place
    There's silver lining that surrounds the grey

    It's my life
    It's now or never
    But I ain't gonna live forever
    I just want to live while I'm alive
    (It's my life)
    My heart is like an open highway
    Like Frankie said, "I did it my way"
    I just want to live while I'm alive
    It's my life

    The more you see the less you know
    The less you find out as you go
    I knew much more then than I do now
    Neon heart dayglo eyes
    A city lit by fireflies
    They're advertising in the skies
    For people like us

    We are the people we've been waiting for
    Out of the ruins of hate and war
    Army of lovers never seen before
    We are the people we've been waiting for
    We are the people of the open hand
    The streets of Dublin to Notre-Dame
    We'll build it better than we did before
    We are the people we've been waiting for

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Il 20 Marzo 2011, ci lasciava Matteo "Eric_Draven"... chiunque desideri dedicargli un pensiero nella sua sezione, è benvenuto
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