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    2 May 1994

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    16/2/2008, 15:31
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  • look at that
    here she comes
    here comes that girl again
    one of the cutest since i don't know when
    but she don't notice me when i pass
    she goes with all the guys from outta my class
    but that can't stop me from thinkin' to myself
    she's sure fine lookin', man,
    she's something else

    look at that 'cross the street
    there's a car built just for me
    to own a car would be a luxury
    but right now i can't afford the gas
    a brand new convertible is out of my class
    but that can't stop me from thinkin' to myself that car's fine lookin', man,
    it's something else

    hey, look at that
    just wait and see
    worked hard and saved my dough
    i buy that car and then i roll up with joe
    get me that girl and we go ridin' around
    we look real sharp with the wide top down
    i keep on dreamin' and thinkin' to myself
    when it all comes true, man,
    wow, that's something else

    hey, look at that
    what's all this?
    never thought i'd do this before
    but here i'm a-knockin' on her door
    my car's out front
    and it's all mine
    it's a '41 job not a '59
    i got that girl and i'm thinkin' to myself she's sure fine lookin', man,
    wow, she's something else


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