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  1. Yoshihito

    User deleted


    ce ne sono alcune bellissime!! andatele a vedere!!!
    se li posto poi si lamentano!!!
  2. Rollout

    User deleted


    Memento audere semper


    Facciamo vedere anche un po' di immagini di curdi sterminati dai gas....chissà...

    Memento audere semper


    ..e comunque farsi propaganda con la sofferenza altrui lo trovo alquanto poco dignitoso...
  5. Yoshihito

    User deleted

    QUOTE (<geniv> @ 25/4/2003, 00:16)
    Facciamo vedere anche un po' di immagini di curdi sterminati dai gas....chissà...

    e perchè no!!!!

    non sto facendo propaganda!!
    anziii!! il 3d per idolatrare bush non l'ho aperto mica io!!!

    Memento audere semper


    vabbene la libetà di pensiero e di parola di vittime ce ne sono sempre da entrambo le sbandierarle cosi' non so se è cosa giusta...
  7. jimgray

    User deleted

    Ma dai vittorio...sei troppo permaloso...
  8. Yoshihito

    User deleted

    QUOTE (<geniv> @ 25/4/2003, 00:22)
    vabbene la libetà di pensiero e di parola di vittime ce ne sono sempre da entrambo le sbandierarle cosi' non so se è cosa giusta...

    ma geniv io non sto facendo nulla di male!! voglio solo far vedere a cose è servita sta guerra!!
    saddam non è stato catturato (ditemi dov'è che mi guadagno miliardi di dollari...), pesticidi.....ehhmmm armi di distruzione di massa non ne sono stati trovate!! l'unica cosa buona è che saddam se n'è andato....almeno così si crede......
  9. Yoshihito

    User deleted

    user posted image

  10. Yoshihito

    User deleted

    user posted image

  11. jimgray

    User deleted

    Yoshihito, vedi di non fare il buffone! Se vuoi puoi parlare di politica ok.... ma le utlime due immagini che hai messo fanno schifo. Non per il fatto che siano scomode, o per il fatto che possano dar fastidio a chi non la pensa come te, ma perchè non significano assolutamente nulla. Intanto hanno trovato laboratori e riserve di gas nervino. Non penso che in Val di Non utilizzino il gas nervino come pesticida...
    Se vuoi continua a mettere tutte le fotografie che vuoi, ma la propaganda basata sulle foto di gente che soffre non è corretta, e dare del terrorista a Bush è un'infamia.
    Penso anche che la gente in Iraq sia piuttosto contenta della caduta del regime. "Facciamo gli origami non la guerra" Hai ragione, purtroppo non tutti la pensano così, e in qualche modo bisogna agire. Però magari sei così bravo a fare gli origami che se fossi andato a Baghdad a fare vedere a Saddam la tua abilità, lui si sarebbe accorto di non essere un semi-dio per la "sua" gente e se ne sarebbe andato dalle sue regge lussuose, costruite alle spalle di chi more di fame, lasciando cadere il regime.
    Fai come ti pare, ma se fossi moderatore di questa sezione cancellerei le 2 ultime immagini perchè sono offensive.

    Edited by jimgray - 25/4/2003, 10:47
  12. Yoshihito

    User deleted

    QUOTE (jimgray @ 25/4/2003, 10:45)
    Yoshihito, vedi di non fare il buffone! Se vuoi puoi parlare di politica ok.... ma le utlime due immagini che hai messo fanno schifo. Non per il fatto che siano scomode, o per il fatto che possano dar fastidio a chi non la pensa come te, ma perchè non significano assolutamente nulla. Intanto hanno trovato laboratori e riserve di gas nervino. Non penso che in Val di Non utilizzino il gas nervino come pesticida...
    Se vuoi continua a mettere tutte le fotografie che vuoi, ma la propaganda basata sulle foto di gente che soffre non è corretta, e dare del terrorista a Bush è un'infamia.
    Penso anche che la gente in Iraq sia piuttosto contenta della caduta del regime. "Facciamo gli origami non la guerra" Hai ragione, purtroppo non tutti la pensano così, e in qualche modo bisogna agire. Però magari sei così bravo a fare gli origami che se fossi andato a Baghdad a fare vedere a Saddam la tua abilità, lui si sarebbe accorto di non essere un semi-dio per la "sua" gente e se ne sarebbe andato dalle sue regge lussuose, costruite alle spalle di chi more di fame, lasciando cadere il regime.
    Fai come ti pare, ma se fossi moderatore di questa sezione cancellerei le 2 ultime immagini perchè sono offensive.

    1 non sto infamando nessuno!!apri la tua mente!! terrorista non è solo saddam o chi per lui!! terrorista è anche chi fa una guerra portando TERRORE alla gente di notte......
    scommetto che se spuntava saddam terrorista avresti taciuto.....
    laboratori du gas nervino...oggi non ho seguito nessun tg dato che ero in montagna...lo farò + tardi
    la mia firma l'ha messa geniv.....mi è piaciuta o l'ho lasciata!! se poi vuoi fare gli origami ti faccio un corso.....prima però devo studiarne qualcuno
    guai a chi tocca le 2 immagini!!
    esiste la libertà di pensiero, esiste anche la satira!! e il fatto di bush terrorista vi ho spiegato il senso!!! non penso di avere detto un'infamia e neanche una bugia.....
    non è con la forza che si "risolvono" le cose....tra virgolette perchè degli obiettivi che si erano imposti gli americani neanche uno ne hanno azzezzato......vedi quanta genite ruba, spara, compra armi illegali....certo saddam non c'è +!! gli iracheni sono a che prezzo?? staremo a vedere!!

    adesso vi devo lasciare, scuate per gli errori e le stupidagine ma ho molta mia metà mi aspetta nuda e sudata sul retro della mia macchina.......
  13. Yoshihito

    User deleted

    copio e incollo da

    George W. Bush: Profile of a Terrorist
    from Revolutionary Worker #1131, December 16, 2001, posted at

    He was born a child of privilege. Amassed a fortune through shady dealings and family connections. Lived a playboy's life of excess and indulgence. Now, at age 55, his name has been linked to acts of terror that span the globe. He is protected by an elite "secret" guard, uniformed in black suits and dark glasses. From his command center in a location referred to as the "white house," he controls a vast military force armed with weapons of mass destruction, unparalleled in the history of the world, that puts millions of lives at risk. Most recently, he is responsible for ordering a reign of death from the sky that has resulted in the slaughter of thousands of Afghani men, women and children.

    His aliases range from junior, Dubya, President-select, and Commander-in-thief. His real name is George W. Bush, Jr., and in the following special report, we will uncover the dark past and hidden stories that shaped the man who some experts consider the pre-eminent terrorist in the world today.

    "King of terror"
    There is much that we already know about George W. Bush, Jr. He seems to openly advertise his connections to various global terrorist networks. He has been photographed with such terror chieftains as Tony Blair, former KGB chief Vladimir Putin and Ariel Sharon. Blair, as experts point out, has used his "UK" forces to maintain control over the entire northern section of the Irish isle. Putin's Russian forces have slaughtered thousands of Muslims located in Chechnya. Sharon is notorious for his attacks on Palestinians, including the infamous terror attacks on Sabra and Shatilla, the Palestinian refugee camps outside Beruit. It is no secret that much of the weaponry that Sharon utilizes--from airplane gunships and tanks down to bullets--have been financed and supplied by the Bush terror network.

    "He has a god complex," say experts
    A number of experts have described George Bush as being a "white man with a god complex." He expects his enemies, even whole countries, to quake at his words, grovel to his might and obey his orders. His image frequently appears on television, in carefully prepared videos, exhorting his followers to engage in acts of violence against people around the world he has deemed as "enemies" and, ironically, "terrorists." "With us or against us," has been his constant mantra.

    Espouses fanatical religious beliefs
    There is also a strong component of religious fanaticism to Bush's makeup. According to religious scholars, Bush hews to a particularly rigid variant of Christianity and has known connections to strict fundamentalist circles who subscribe to arcane beliefs. Bush once reportedly argued with his mother that all non-Christians are destined for hell. God's blessings are invoked every time he engages in evil doing--so that every bomb dropped, gun fired and weapon used is, according to Bush, doing "god's" work. Defying simple logic, Bush holds that small clumps of microscopic human cells and tissue have the same rights as full grown human beings--excluding, of course, those human beings George W. considers "uncivilized." Bush considers simple medical procedures such as abortion so abhorrent that he has issued what amounts to a religious decree, so that the mere mention of the word "abortion" by a doctor to a patient results in severe financial repercussions.

    Biographical data and criminal background
    As the commander of the world's largest terrorist network, George W. Bush continues in a long-standing family tradition of wheeling, dealing, skull-and-bones-duggery and governmental intrigue, starting with grandfather Senator Prescott, and continuing with George Bush, Sr., himself a long-standing terrorist operative. George Bush, Sr. once ran the secretive network known as the CIA (a/k/a/ "The Agency"), before moving into the network's above-ground command structure (a/k/a "White House"). During the '80s, Bush Sr. enlisted Latin American drug lords, wealthy Middle Eastern financiers, Central American death squads and U.S. spies and mercenaries for cloak-and-dagger machinations targeting the Central American nation of Nicaragua. During this time the Bush network developed its narco-terrorist operations, bringing cocaine to the U.S. to finance the so-called contras. Bush Sr. also unleashed his "Armed Forces" terrorist network against civilian populations in Panama and Iraq. The human cost of his military strikes and bombing raids were ravaged landscapes, wrecked economies and death tolls climbing into the hundreds of thousands.

    George W. Bush himself showed little early promise for his father's line of work. Growing up wealthy and privileged, Bush Jr. first succumbed to the lifestyles of the rich, spoiled and incompetent. Made money driving a couple of oil businesses into the ground before being bailed out by some of daddy's rich friends. Engaged in insider trading to sell oil company stock before his father launched the terrorist operation "Desert Storm." Made his millions selling a chunk of a baseball team he had virtually been given, and is now worth an estimated $70 million. Was a party animal with the obligatory cocaine and alcohol binges that finally ended (Bush claims) at age 40. His family connections and new found wealth gained him a plum position as overlord of the state of Texas. It was only then that Bush Jr. showed a hint of his future potential as a global thug and murderer--overseeing the execution of more than 130 Texas state prisoners. Neither innocence nor guilt nor fair play or foul could stay the hangman from his appointed tasks.

    It was around this time, swayed and influenced by extremist political and fanatical religious figures such as Jerry Falwell, Oral Roberts and Ralph Reed, that Bush Jr. developed the belief system known as "Compassionate Conservatism." One expert researcher noted that one hallmark of this belief is that poverty is the fault of the poor who simply lack the proper spiritual values. Armed with this anti-modern philosophy, and assisted by his family connections, Bush Jr. made his move for the top position in the U.S. terror network. With a campaign war chest and a bunch of miscounted votes in brother Jeb's state of Florida, George was able to gain access to the secretive headquarters known as the "Oval Office."

    Comfortably ensconced in power, George proceeded to assemble a terror command council (a/k/a the "Cabinet"), a collection of bureaucrats and advisors, many with a long history of criminal activity in prior "cabinet" posts. What follows are just a few examples of George W. Bush's crimes and potential for grave damage.

    Possessing weapons of mass destruction
    With thousands of H-bombs, war heads, and missiles at his disposal, Bush Jr. controls the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons in the world--with the capacity to incinerate all of human life a dozen times over. His predecessors in terror have on many occasions threatened to use these weapons--with one former terror chieftain, "Commander" Truman, actually dropping a few of these horrific devices on two Asian population centers.

    Chemical warfare/poisoning population centers and food supplies
    Bush Jr. and his associates in terror have supplied toxic chemicals, arms, military personnel and expert advice to the terrorist client state of Colombia, in South America. Government airplanes spread the poison across large swatches of territory like crop dusters, the poison falling onto plants, animals and people alike, destroying food crops and damaging people's health.

    Slaughter of innocent people
    In less than two months, Bush operatives in the "Armed Forces" network have wreaked havoc on the impoverished population of Afghanistan. Powerful and exotic devices such as laser-guided missiles, 1,000-pound bombs and "Daisy Cutters" (which incinerate everything within 600 yards) are some of the weapons of choice. An estimated 1,500 to 2,000 Afghanis have been slaughtered. In televised statements broadcast from his terrorist command center, Bush remains defiant and unapologetic for his actions, citing his terrorist creed of "collateral damage"--a profoundly evil philosophy which maintains that non-American lives are expendable.

    In summary
    Prior to launching a war against Afghanistan, George Walker Bush was considered one of America's more inept presidents. All that changed following September 11, 2001, when Bush began his campaign in Afghanistan. The ongoing decimation of Afghan cities and countryside under his command have killed an estimated 2,000 people. In addition, Bush has openly declared his intent to commit more terrorist attacks throughout the world against nations and peoples he views as "unfriendly." Through his recent actions, Mr. Bush has unquestionably risen to the level of "evil mastermind," having earned his place among the most murderous of U.S. presidents while still retaining his reputation as a moron. He is considered armed with weapons of mass destruction and extremely dangerous.

  14. Yoshihito

    User deleted

    non ho il tempo di tradurre leggete e commentate!! non ho neanche il tempo di leggiucchiarla, lo farò + tardi!! ciaooooo
  15. jimgray

    User deleted

    Non ho il tempo di leggere tutto. Cmq penso che tu debba chiarirti le idee sulla definizione di "terrorista". Non mi dilungo troppo, perchè tanto so che è tempo perso. Per quanto riguarda la tua firma, il fatto che l'abbia messa Geniv non cambia nulla.
    A proposito della mia mente, ti dico che non la apro a delle idee del c4zzo.
    L'unico punto a favore te lo do per la donna sul retro della macchina, anche se ti devo fare una domanda: hai il portatile collegato all'accendisigari o sei in camera e lei ti aspetta in garage?
47 replies since 10/4/2003, 09:01   629 views