[Guida/Soluzione Obiettivi] Batman: Arkham Asylum

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    Guida Obiettivi Batman: Arkham Asylum

    47 Obiettivi per 1000G

    Boom! [50G]
    Completare la modalità Storia a livello facile
    Come detto dal titolo vi basterà concludere l'avventura alla difficoltà impostata.

    SuperBoom! [50G]
    Completare la modalità Storia a livello normale
    Come detto dal titolo vi basterà concludere l'avventura alla difficoltà impostata.

    SuperMegaBoom! [50G]
    Completare la modalità Storia a livello difficile
    Come detto dal titolo vi basterà concludere l'avventura alla difficoltà impostata.

    NotaBene:se finite il gioco ad una difficoltà superiore, vi verranno sbloccati anche gli obiettivi della difficoltà precedente, inoltre la difficoltà difficile è la massima difficoltà e sarà già disponibile dall'inizio.

    Per sbloccare i seguenti obiettivi vi basterà seguire le spiegazioni e i video segnalati ad ognuno di essi.

    Guastafeste [10G]
    Ora la festa può iniziare

    Per sbloccare questo obiettivo dovrete arrivare nel punto stabilito e eliminare tutti i nemici, e l'obiettivo sarà sbloccato.

    Le combo possono essere fatte in ogni modalità se proprio non riuscite a fare quella da 40 nei posti indicati, vi consiglio(dove ho sbloccato io l'obiettivo)di farlo nelle sfide, la terza(quella combattente).

    Combo fluidità 5 [5G]
    Completare una combo di 5 mosse (in qualsiasi modalità di gioco)
    Vedi Combo Fluidità

    Combo fluidità 10 [5G]
    Completare una combo di 10 mosse (in qualsiasi modalità di gioco)
    Vedi Combo Fluidità

    Combo fluidità 20 [10G]
    Completare una combo di 20 mosse (in qualsiasi modalità di gioco)
    Vedi Combo Fluidità

    Combo fluidità 40 [10G]
    Completare una combo di 40 mosse (in qualsiasi modalità di gioco)

    Volo notturno [5G]
    Continuare a planare per più di 100 metri

    Per sbloccare questo obiettivo dovrete andare nel punto stabilito e visualizzato anche nella mappa de video e gettarvi a capo fitto tentando di non toccare niente attorno.

    Il nemico alle corde [10G]
    Appendere un nemico e farlo cadere per sorprenderne un secondo (in qualsiasi modalità di gioco)

    Per sbloccare questo obiettivo dovrete andare su una statua in pietra appendervi premendo B(ma anche non per forza), aspettare che il nemico si avvicini e premere Y(per un K.O.) il nemico sarà quindi appeso, allontanatevi da quel punto, aspettate che un nemico si avvicini e lanciate il bata-rang per sorprenderlo .

    A mani nude [10G]
    Affrontare la bestia a mani nude

    Per sbloccare questo obiettivo dovrete battere una di quelle bestie a mani nude, senza l'utilizzo del bata-rang.

    Afferra! [5G]
    Prendere un Batarang al volo (in qualsiasi modalità di gioco)

    Perfezione fluidità [10G]
    Realizzare la combo perfetta usando tutte le mosse di Batman (in qualsiasi modalità di gioco)
    Queste sono tutte le mosse che devo essere utilizzate in un'unica combo.
    image Pugno
    image Contrattacco
    image Attacco stordente
    Direzione + imageimageSchivata
    image Batarang combo (richiede potenziamento)
    imageimage Batartiglio
    image + image K.O. a terra
    image + image K.O. istantaneo (richiede poteniamento)
    image + image Lancio (richiede potenziamento)

    Il rodeo dei mostri [10G]
    Cavalcare la bestia e sfruttare la sua forza

    Leggere attentamente queste riflessioni per capire come sono composte le sfide.

    Esistono due tipi di sfide, quelle da picchiatore e quelle da predatore.
    Le prime si dividono in 4 round e devi semplicemente uccidere i nemici che ti trovi di fronte, non ci sono limiti di tempo (a parte due sfide che si chiamano "dominazione rapida" e "dominazione rapida (estremo)") e l'unico scopo e fare il maggior numero di punti, in modo da conquistare le medaglie.

    Ogni colpo assestato ti permette di ottenere dei punti pari a "punteggio attacco * numero combo". Ti faccio degli esempi pratici in modo da spiegarmi meglio.

    Un semplice pugno vale 10 punti, un attacco decisivo (o potente) vale 20, un KO a terra 100. Se esegui, senza farti colpire, 3 pugni 1 attacco decisivo e 1 KO a terra ottieni: 1*10 + 2*10 + 3*10 + 4*20 + 5*100.

    Questo per farti capire come il contatore delle combo sia fondamentale per far punti. Il KO a terra permette di prendere valanghe di punti, specialmente quando lo si usa attorno alla combo x30.

    Al termine di ogni round puoi ottenere ulteriori bonus:
    - bonus varietà x3 x4 x5 .... x9: questo bonus dipende dal numero di mosse differenti che riesci ad inserire in una singola combo. x3 vale 100 punti x4 250 x5 500 x6 1000 x7 2000 x8 3500 e il x9 5000 punti.
    - bonus fluidità perfetta: si ottiene uccidendo tutti i nemici dello stage con una sola combo, vale 1000 punti
    - bonus cavaliere oscuro: bisogna finire lo stage senza essere mai colpiti, 500 punti
    - bonus cavaliere perfetto: bisogna terminare tutti e 4 i round senza essere colpiti, 5000 punti.

    Nelle sfide Combattimento inoltre otterrete medaglie in modo differente da quelle predatore, ossia una medaglia ogni volta che sperate un punteggio prestabilito, per le altre invece dovete soddisfare dei requisiti che consistono nel battere i nemici in modo specifico o utilizzare l'ambientamento del gioco stesso.

    Bronzo fluidità [10G]
    Ottenere 8 medaglie nelle Sfide Combattimento

    Argento fluidità [25G]
    Ottenere 16 medaglie nelle Sfide Combattimento

    Oro fluidità [50G]
    Ottenere 24 medaglie nelle Sfide Combattimento
    Ecco i punteggi massimi da ottenere nelle varie sfide.
    Combat Challenge 1: Intensive Treatment - 18,000 points
    Combat Challenge 2: Sewer Vat - 18,000 points
    Combat Challenge 3: Shock and Awe - 30,000 points
    Combat Challenge 4: Rumble in the Jungle - 30,000 points
    Combat Challenge 5: Intensive Treatment Extreme 30,000 points
    Combat Challenge 6: Sewer Vat Extreme - 50,000 points
    Combat Challenge 7: Shock and Awe Extreme - 30,000 points
    Combat Challenge 8: Rumble in the Jungle Extreme - 50,000 points
    Bronzo predatore [10G]
    Ottenere 8 medaglie nelle Sfide Predatore

    Argento predatore [25G]
    Ottenere 16 medaglie nelle Sfide Predatore

    Oro predatore [50G]
    Ottenere 24 medaglie nelle Sfide Predatore

    Predatore invisibile [10G]
    Completare una Sfida Predatore effettuando unicamente K.O. silenziosi e senza farsi scoprire

    Combattente fluidità perfetta [10G]
    Completare una Sfida Combattimento senza subire danni

    Altri facili aiuti sulle varie sfide:
    Cura Intensiva:

    Sewer Rat:

    Shock and Awe:

    Rumble in the Jungle:

    Intensive Care (Extreme):

    Sewer Bat (Extreme):

    Shock and Awe (Extreme):

    Eccoci arrivati agli obiettivi legati agli enigmi. Essi sono 240 in totale, tutti gli enigmi saranno segnalati sempre sulla mappa ogni volta che prendete delle apposite "liste"(ossia quelle indicate con tanti punti interrogativi nel menu degli enigmi).

    Questo è il massimo che sono riuscito a trovare, appena sarà disponibile una guida, la inserirò senz'altro, ma ripeto sono facili da trovare.

    Map Area: Intensive Treatment
    SPOILER (click to view)

    Don't cut yourself on this Sharply observed portrait.
    The portrait of Warden Sharp on the wall. This is the first riddle you get, and is very easy - the portrait is nearby when The Riddler contacts you.

    Transfer Loop

    A top hat and tails is the only dress code for this party in the North
    Looking at the map, find the corridor that runs left to right. About halfway down this corridor is a partially open door. Duck under it and look at the Penguin poster on the wall.

    Holding Cells

    Where would you find my home sweet home?
    There's a cell covered in question marks right at the start of the game. Not sure if you can scan it then, since it's before The Riddler actually sets you any challenges. If not, come back later when you have the Cryptographic Sequencer to shut off the barrier.

    Secure Transit

    Dr Jonathan Crane plans on elevating fear to new depths.
    You can only get this at the end of the game, when you can get past the elevator that Harley crashes near the start. Enter the vent at the bottom of the elevator shaft and follow it to Scarecrow's lair.

    Cell Block Transer

    Hook up with the relatives before you're transferred out of here.
    Right near the end, after the final (brilliant) Scarecrow sequence, take the right hand corridor, disable the barrier at the stairs near the far door and enter Aaron Cash's office. Zoom in on the family photo on the desk.

    Patient Pacification Chamber

    Even I was shocked when I saw how Maxie Zeus was treated.
    Maxie's cell is behind a breakable wall in the far corner, opposite the grate you use to escape after defeating Zsasz in your first encounter. You won't be able to get it when you first enter this room, as you need the explosive gel.

    Intensive Treatment Lobby

    A puzzle has many sides, but only some are visible.
    Riddles phrased like this mean you need to switch to Detective Mode and look for a question mark painted on the scenery. You'll need to stand in the right position to make it line up correctly. Don't forget the dot underneath! This one can be seen from inside the structure in the middle of the room. Looking at the map, you want to be in the glass-roofed section on the left hand side. You'll see the top of the question mark on the window facing the south wall, where the dot is. Line them up.

    Map Area: Medical Facility

    Secure Access

    Are you going to take your hat off to Harley, Bats?
    Next to the elevator in the Sanatorium there's a grate on the wall. You need the Bat-Claw to pull it down. Climb in, drop down the shaft to the Morgue level. There's another vent at the bottom of the elevator shaft - climb in there and keep following the vent until you drop down into Harley's room. Zoom in on the harlequin hat on the desk.

    Surgery Room

    Shhhhsshh! Rumors persist that Tommy Elliot operates in Arkham. Can it be true?
    On the upstairs balcony, where the henchmen jump down from, there's a board on the wall with the surgeon's roster. Zoom in on Elliot's name.

    Experimental Chamber

    Is this bear the Bane of his life?
    Bane's teddy bear is on the left hand side as you make your way through this area. You can't miss it, since you have to go past it.

    Patient Observation

    Was this fire fly too hot off the press?
    After you've removed all the gas, look for press cuttings stuck to a locker in one of the small rooms. Zoom in on the Firefly headline.


    A question can only be answered from a new perspective. Don't you agree?
    As you enter the room, there's a breakable floor on the left hand side. Demolish it with gel, then stand on the side and switch on Detective Mode. The main bit of the question mark is on the side of the hole, the dot is on the floor below.

    TICK! TOCK! News flash! Someone is not getting out of here alive.
    In the large room where you free Dr Young from Joker's thugs, look for the cell decorated with skulls on the lower level. The clue suggests it's something to do with Killer Croc, but I don't think he'd fit in there!


    What silent killer of the oceans can be found in a tiny jar?
    There's a jar at the end of the autopsy table, containing fingers and body parts from Great White Shark. Zoom in on the jar, make sure the label is displayed.

    Medical Foyer

    Is the generosity of our benefactors on the Wayne?
    Directly opposite the front doors. It's the gold plaque saying the medical unit was funded by the Bruce Wayne Foundation for the Criminally Insane.

    Map Area: Caves

    Main Sewer Junction

    A puzzle has many sides, but only some are visible.
    Just before you make the final jump to reach the door leading back outside, turn to the pillar behind you, and shimmy around. You'll find a trophy. Turn on Detective Mode and you'll see the dot from the bottom of the question mark, the rest of which should be on the bridge above you. THANKS TO PITTSKI FOR FINDING THE DOT!

    Map Area: Arkham Mansion

    South Corridor

    This fiendish puzzle literally appears out of thin air.
    One of Riddler's hidden question marks. You'll see most of it very easily in Detective Mode - it's over a display case. You'll need to grapple up to the duct opposite and look down to find the dot though.

    What does a bird need in the rain?
    Penguin's umbrellas. Easily found in a display case.

    Warden's Office

    Isn't the Warden too old for a puppet show?
    Scarface. He's in a display case. Can't miss it.

    Main Hall

    Who is the main man in the main hall?
    Not the statue! Look for the plaque honoring Commisioner Gordon on the right hand side staircase.

    Dr Young's Office

    It'll be a cold day in Hell when this Ghul rises again.
    In one of the rooms outside Young's office, there's a wall of body freezers. Look for the one sticking out and zoom in on Ra's Al Ghul's toe tag. Fun Easter Egg: if you return after completing the story, he's gone.

    How do you mask your feelings without losing control?
    The big tribal mask on the wall of Young's office. Impossible to miss.

    Arkham Records Room

    Our records show that a Strange transfer request was made in this room.
    Hidden behind an electronic barrier. You'll need the Cryptographic Sequencer, the horizontal zipline and the Power Amplifier upgrade. Disable the barrier, zipline over the electric floor and you'll find Hugo Strange's files. It took me a few attempts to find a view of them that the game would accept, but just zoom in and keep trying.

    North Corridor

    Did Amadeus go mad, or was he just dizzy?
    I think you find this while finding a way into Dr Young's office. You'll need to crawl through the vents and drop down into a small cell. There's another cell nearby with circular writing all over the walls. Zoom in on Amadeus Arkham's insane scribblings.

    East Wing Corridor

    A game of Cat and mouse can be painful.
    Catwoman's mask and gloves. Easy to spot in a display case.
    Map Area: Penitentiary

    Main Cell Block

    This room is the end of days for even the most celebrated killer.
    The clue reads like it's referring to an execution chamber, but it actually refers to Calendar Man's cell. It's the one papered with calendar pages.

    Two people, one voice, no gun?
    After fighting Harley's goons on top of the cells, you're looking for Scarface's tommy gun, in a case on the wall between the two control rooms.

    Cells Access

    How do you reflect on your successes and failures, Batman?
    There's a full length mirror in the ladies toilet. You want Batman's reflection.

    Guard Room

    When is something right in front of you but still hidden from view?
    You can't get these when you first enter this room, because you have to save the guards from Harley's bombs. Come back after you've got the upgraded Bat-Claw and zipline, then you can clear the gas. To do this, climb onto the vents above the guards. Break through the wall, then use the Bat-Claw to pull down the wall on the other side. Batarang the circuit breaker to turn on the fans. Now zipline across and turn around and, with Detective Mode activated, look back to where you just came from. The question mark will be visible.

    Prometheus, Arkham guards' most wanted and most hated.
    After getting the previous riddle, drop down and find the notice board in the room. Zoom in on the Prometheus poster.

    Extreme Incarceration

    All alone in your cell? Why don't you break the ice with the most dangerous prisoners?
    Mr Freeze's cell, obviously. You can't miss it - it's the one in a block of ice! Wait until you've defeated Harley and her goons befoe getting it though.

    Security Control Room

    A case of mistaken identity?
    One of my favorites. It's the cell at the far end, where Aaron Cash asks for you to let him out. Check the handprints on the glass, then look at him in Detective Mode. No skeleton? Say hello to Clayface. If you come back later, he'll be impersonating other characters. There doesn't seem to be any way to see him in his natural state, sadly.

    Controlled Access
    What has four walls, two sides and one ex-DA?
    Two Face's cell. You can't miss it.

    Map Area: Botanical Gardens

    Glasshouse Entrance

    Is the number up for these guards?
    Easy to find. Look for the two dead guards on the bench. Looks like Zsasz got them.

    Botanical Glasshouse

    What time is tea time in Wonderland?
    In the large room with the big fountain. Look in the foliage along the back wall on the second or third tier. You're looking for Mad Hatter's teaset, laid out for a picnic.

    Statue Corridor

    Remember the Waynes? How could anyone forget?
    Zoom in on the bench to find a commemorative plaque to Bruce's parents.

    Flooded Corridor

    The Ratcatcher needed more than just charm to lead his army.
    While crawling through the vent after Joker blocks the way, look down through a grate to see Ratcatcher's costume.

    Looks like all the king's horses trampled all the king's men.
    Zoom in on the broken wooden soldiers on the bench. Can't miss them.

    Is this a tribute to what a mad dog left behind?
    Find the headless statue (you'll have to pass it, I think it's right before you meet Ivy) and zoom in on the vandalised plaque.


    There's no closet in the gardens, so someone is using the roof instead.
    You can get this while sneaking past Joker's henchmen. You need to climb up behind the left wall, and you'll emerge on an outcrop, almost directly opposite the control room you're headed for. Look left and down and there's a skeleton hanging out of a crevice. Zoom in.

    Abandoned Chamber

    This challenge can only be seen by those with a different view on life.
    I've found this, but can't remember the exact location. Fairly sure this was another Detective Mode question mark, viewable only from high up in this maze-like room. If anyone else can supply more details, groovy!

    Map Area: Arkham Island West

    Does Scarecrow's gas break down barriers as it drives you insane?
    Located behind a breakable wall, high up on your left near the Eastern exit from the area. You'll need to upgraded Bat-Claw to pull the wall down, then grapple up and find Scarecrow's gas cannisters.

    Zsasz is counting on you to find his work.
    Looking at the map, this can be found in a room at the top of the large building on the left. You'll need the upgraded Cryptographic Sequencer to disable the barrier from a distance. Once inside, you'll find dead guards arranged as if they're playing poker.

    Do you see what I see? No? Then maybe I am in a stronger position.
    From the location of the previous riddle, switch to Detective Mode, stand on the balcony and look across at the elevator on the opposite side. The top of the question mark in on the elevator wall, the dot is on the railing in front of you. THANKS TO SULLYDAVID.

    Map Area: Arkham East

    The legacy of this island has been well and truly buried.
    Arkham's grave in the cemetery. Can't miss it.

    Gotham's greatest family towers over the city.
    Nothing to do with the numerous towers on the Arkham Mansion. Look to the horizon and zoom in on the WayneTech skyscraper.

    My challenge appears to those with the correct position in life.
    Climb up the left hand side of Arkham Mansion. Grapple up to the first platform on the large tower at the back, then follow it around and grapple up to the next. Look down at the rooftops in Detective Mode and find the giant question mark. The dot is actually on the platform you're standing on.

    Map Area: Arkham North

    Now I see it, now you don't!
    Another question mark. This one is on the underside of the top of the doorframe of the ruined building in the far corner. Stand just outside, looking in, to line it up.

    Let's face it, there are two Dents on the wall.
    Inside one of the small huts, you'll find a Harvey Dent poster. You may be able to get in by using explosive gel on the roof, or you may need to use the Cryptographic Sequencer on the barrier.

    Tweedledum and Tweedledee SAW it, can you SEE it?
    Easy. Look for the see-saw at the edge of the map, near the gates.


    Risolvi l'E. Nygma [20G]
    Risolvere tutti gli enigmi dell'isola

    Analista di Arkham [20G]
    Risolvere il 5% delle sfide dell'Enigmista

    Investigatore criptico
    Risolvere il 10% delle sfide dell'Enigmista

    Pensatore laterale [20G]
    Risolvere il 25% delle sfide dell'Enigmista

    Scopritore di misteri [20G]
    Risolvere il 40% delle sfide dell'Enigmista

    Decifratore di enigmi [20G]
    Risolvere il 55% delle sfide dell'Enigmista

    Atleta mentale [20G]
    Risolvere il 70% delle sfide dell'Enigfmista

    Maestro di indovinelli [20G]
    Risolvere l'85% delle sfide dell'Enigmista

    Il miglior detective del mondo [20G]
    Risolvere il più grande mistero di Arkham
    Per sbloccare questo obeittivo dovrete "trovare tutte le statuette ragno", l'ultima si trova(ATTENZIONE NON LEGGERE SE NON HAI FINITO IL GIOCO)
    nel penitenziario nell'ufficio sopra la scalinata.

    Cavaliere perfetto [75G]
    Completare al 100%
    Per sbloccare questo obiettivo dovrete:

    - Completare il gioco almeno una volta;
    - Ottenere 24 medaglie sulle sfide Combattente
    - Ottenere 24 medaglie sulle sfide Predatore
    - Risolvere ogni enigma sull'isola

    Obiettivi segreti(Tali obiettivi si sbloccano col proseguo del gioco)

    Sognare ad occhi aperti [10G]
    Sopravvivere all' incubo del gas allucinogeno di spaventapasseri

    Salvataggio shock [10G]
    Stendere Zsasz nella stanza di Pacificazione paziente

    Non lasciare indietro uomini [10G]
    Salvare le guardie e lo scagnozzo dalla tossina di Joker in Decontaminazione

    Dxtroyer: La prima volta che compare la tossina di Joker basta che salvi le guardie e lo scagnozzo, saltando sui condotti e sulle piattaforme per raggiungerli tutti.

    La cura sbagliata va curata [10G]
    Sopravvivere all' attacco del tirapiede sfigurato di Joker

    Nato libero [10G]
    Scappare dalla terapia intensiva verso la superficie dell'isola

    L'ha ordinato il dottore [10G]
    Salvare tutti i dottori nel centro medico

    Rivincita su Bane [25G]
    Sconfiggere Bane

    Violazione con scasso [10G]
    Introdursi nella residenza di Arkham dopo che Joker l' ha chiusa a chiave

    Taglia corto con Zsasz [10G]
    Salvare la Dr.ssa Young dalle mani di Victor Zsasz

    Incubo ricorrente [10G][10G]
    Affronta le tue piu' grandi paure e non perdere la ragione.

    Doppio guaio [25G]
    Affrontare contemporaneamente due scagnozzi mutati dal Titan

    Isolamento [25G]
    Catturare e rinchiudere Harley Quinn

    Lacrime di coccodrillo [50G]
    Avventurarsi nella tana di Killer Croc e uscirne vivi.

    Resisti alla paura [50G]
    Vincere gli effetti del gas allucinogeno di Spaventapasseri

    Obiettivo segreto [50G]
    Continuare il gioco per sbloccare questo obiettivo segreto
0 replies since 26/9/2010, 11:08   298 views